A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
A guide on improving employee engagement through surveys.
Your Engaging Leader Report collects feedback about your perceived abilities from the major stakeholders of your leadership competencies—your direct manager and your direct reports.
This feedback is a starting point for action planning and is especially useful for development, evaluating performance, and setting goals related to creating an engaging environment for your team.
MEANING: Work has purpose beyond the job or task itself. Leaders help create meaning by sharing a strategic perspective with direct reports, helping individuals align what is important to them personally to the work they do.
IMPACT Seeing positive, effective, and worthwhile outcomes and results from work. Leaders help employees see the impact of their work by establishing clear direction, recognizing and rewarding strong contributions, and providing feedback as to progress.
CONNECTION The sense of belonging to something beyond yourself. Leaders influence connection through personal relationships, encouraging teamwork and collaboration, and helping to cultivate the organization’s culture on their teams.
The Demographic Summary section of the Engaging Leader Multi-Rater® Report provides a summary of who was invited to rate the participant, and how many people participated from each rater group.
The Focus Area section of the report provides an immediate look at areas of strength and areas of development at a competency level. This section ranks the five highest-scoring and the five lowest-scoring competencies on the assessment.
The Appendix provides detailed information on each survey item. The survey items are listed in the order they appeared in your assessment. It may be useful to examine individual survey items as components of the larger competencies to understand specific strengths and weaknesses within those competencies.
The Written Comments provide qualitative feedback that may help clarify and support areas of focus identified by the quantitative portion of the report.
When debriefing the multi-rater results one-on-one, the participant meets with a senior Success Programme coach or internal facilitator to receive personal coaching on his or her feedback and development plans. This session helps the participant process the feedback and begin the development process. The meeting generally lasts 1.5 hours and can be conducted onsite or over the telephone. During these sessions participants will:
The Success Programme employee engagement coach will follow-up with the manager 2 additional times. These 30-minute meetings will be 30 and 90 days following the initial debrief of results.